April 26, 2024

When It Makes Sense to Bid on Your Brand Name in Google Ads and When It Doesn't

Eden Chai

Did you know that Google Sites generated over $191 billion in ad revenue in 2022?

With all this potential, PMCs must understand how to use Google Ads to their advantage.

But when does it make sense to bid on your own brand name?

This guide will help you navigate the when, why, and how of brand name bidding, making sure your advertising dollars are well spent.

What Is Brand Name Bidding?

Brand name bidding involves including your community name as a keyword in Google Ads.

This way, your ads appear prominently when potential residents search for your community.

By bidding on your own name, you enhance visibility AND protect against competitors targeting the same keywords.

How to Assess Your Brand Name Bidding Needs

Unsure if brand name bidding is the proper strategy for you?

Start by using tools like Google's Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool to check your current search visibility.

Look to see if competitors are bidding on your brand.

Also, regularly review your organic search rankings.

If you find competitors using your brand name in their bids, do the same to maintain control over your online presence.

When Does It Make Sense to Bid on Your Brand Name?

Let's discuss the key scenarios where investing in your brand name can yield the greatest benefits.

Thereโ€™s a Competitor Bidding on Your Brand

Counteract a competitor's attempt to profit off your brand name by actively bidding on your own keywords.

Securing your position in search results helps guarantee potential residents see you first, safeguarding your brand's authority and visibility.

Controlling the Narrative and Brand Message

Brand bidding lets you control the narrative.

Securing top search results shapes first impressions and influences how potential residents perceive your brand's values.

Gaining control over these perceptions fosters trust and loyalty, boosting interest and retention rates.

Enhancing Visibility During High-Demand Periods

Improve visibility by increasing brand bids during peak leasing times like late spring and early summer.

Align Google Ads campaigns with these key periods to catch the highest resident search activity.

Strategic ads in these months can significantly raise prospective resident numbers when visibility is crucial.

Tip ๐Ÿ’ก: Adjust your ad spend to reflect the increased potential for resident turnover and acquisition.

Bidding After a Brand Name Change

If your community has recently changed its name, bid on both the old and new names.

Youโ€™ll redirect searches for the old name to your updated brand, maintaining continuity and capturing all potential leads during the transition.


3 Reasons to Avoid Bidding on Your Brand Name

While brand bidding can be powerful, it's not always the right move for you.

Here are circumstances where the costs might outweigh the benefits.

1. Limited Resourcing

If your marketing budget is tight, focus your spending on areas with the greatest impact.

Avoid bidding on your brand name if it diverts funds from more crucial campaigns that could yield higher returns or expand your market reach.

2. Strong Organic Reach and Brand Power

If your brand dominates organic search results and is well-recognized, further investment in brand name bidding might be unnecessary.

Focus instead on improving your SEO strategies and content to strengthen your organic presence.

3. Cost-Benefit: Paid vs. Organic Traffic

Compare the effectiveness of paid search with your organic traffic.

If organic results already attract quality traffic, reallocating funds from paid brand bidding to enhance organic content or explore other marketing strategies could yield a higher return on investment.

Leveraging Google Ads: Key Strategies for PMCs

Leveraging Google Ads effectively requires a blend of savvy marketing techniques tailored specifically for PMCs

Here are a few tips on optimizing campaigns for precise targeting and cost efficiency.

๐Ÿ‘‰Incorporate Local SEO Tactics with PPC: Use geo-targeted keywords and location-based ad extensions to attract local residents.

๐Ÿ‘‰Use Google Ads Features to Target Prospective Residents: Include demographic targeting and customized ad scheduling in Google Ads to reach potential tenants at the right time.

๐Ÿ‘‰Monitor and Adjust Bids for Optimal ROI: Continuously review your bid strategies and campaign performance to adjust bids and maximize your ROI.

Bidding on your brand name in Google Ads can be powerful for PMCs, but isn't always necessary.

By learning when to engage and when to hold back, you can make the most of your advertising budget.

Use these tips to refine your approach and achieve the best possible outcomes for your community.

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