May 3, 2023

Mobile Optimizations that Boost Conversions for Your Community

Eden Chai

Are your conversions from your mobile site lackluster?

Not sure why no one is sticking around on your mobile traffic, driving up your bounce rate, and pulling down your Google ranking?

When someone lands on your site, they get their first impression about your community, so make it count.

Mobile accounts for 58.33% of global website traffic, making a well-optimized site a must-have for your community.
mobile traffic graph - multifamily marketing

The good news is some simple tweaks can help you capture more leads and improve your conversions.

Here's how to dig in and give your audience more of what they want from their online experience.

Assess Your Mobile Traffic

Do you know where the majority of your online audience is going?

Dig into your Google Analytics or other tools to assess where people are going once they're on the mobile version of your site.

You may find they're all landing on your rates page or suddenly falling off once they get to your floor plans.

Ensure you provide the best user experience possible and review your most popular pages. Did you include the following:

πŸ‘‰ CTA

πŸ‘‰ Images

πŸ‘‰ Adequate information

πŸ‘‰ An easy to navigate user experience

A few changes in layout or images could improve conversions and make it easier for people to convert.

Test Your Site on Mobile

Google makes it super easy to test whether or not they consider your site user-friendly.

Launch their mobile-friendly test tool, add your URL, and hit "Test URL" to receive your results.

Google mobile test - multifamily marketing

But here’s the thing. A Google test only goes so far.

You also need to know what it looks like and experience the same thing as prospective residents.

Launch your community site from your smartphone and see what's going on. Is your site:

Easy to navigate βœ…

Loads quickly βœ…

Looks good βœ…

Easy to take action, like placing a call βœ…

Everyone's phones look a little different, so it's wise to ask your leasing agents to check your site on their devices and ask them to make notes of any issues or thoughts about how the site looks.

Add a Click to Call Button

If you want to capture more online traffic and leads, you need a click-to-call button.

Google reports that 70% of mobile searchers use click to call and that calls are an important channel for consumers.

The functionality lets users click the number, link, or button and automatically connect to their phone number.

Depending on your marketing goals, you can also program a separate phone number for mobile users to your click-to-call button.

When prospective residents call that mobile-designated number, your leasing agents know they're on their mobile phones and can help track the conversion appropriately.

Tip πŸ’‘: Google also offers "call ads" that encourage people to call your business and only appear on devices that can make calls.

When a prospective resident sees your ad, it triggers their phone to call your community.


Improve Your Site Speed

Fast site speed isn't optional; it's crucial to your conversions.

Research shows that website conversions drop by an average of 4.42% for every second that it takes to load a website page within the first five seconds.

If your mobile site is sluggish, treat it with a sense of urgency that requires prompt attention by:

πŸ‘‰ Ditching the large, high-resolution photos or linking them to them in a digital brochure

πŸ‘‰ Reduce the number of plugins and delete the ones you're not using

πŸ‘‰ Use a web caching plugin, like W3 Total Cache, to help reduce load times

πŸ‘‰ Reduce your web fonts and choose only the necessary styles

Once you've made some tweaks, you can check your site speed with a tool like Google Search Console or Pingdom.

Keep it Simple

What's going on with your web design?




While your site should look clean and professional, it shouldn't be so busy that prospective residents can't find anything.

Keep your design simple and remove elements that don't look good on mobile, from bottom navigation menus to oversized headers.

Tip πŸ’‘: The goal is to keep users on your site and finding the info they need without excessive scrolling.

Incorporate at Least One CTA

Don't leave your conversions up to chance. Show prospective residents exactly what you want them to do once they land on your site.

A few options include:

  • Sign-up for more info
  • Place a call for more information
  • Take a virtual tour
  • Schedule an in-person tour
  • Download an application

Having more than one CTA on your mobile site is okay, but including half a dozen dilutes focus and your conversions.

Tip πŸ’‘: Stick to one or two CTAs and make sure they're represented across your website, from your homepage to blog posts.

Remember Your Current Residents

Part of your conversions should include whether current residents resign their leases or refer to your community.

Make sure any resident sections are well-represented on your mobile site, from payment portals to a form to submit a maintenance request.

When you make your current residents' lives easier, they repay the favor with loyalty.
