October 12, 2023

How Well-Being Trends Can Impact Your Multifamily Marketing

Eden Chai

Are you wasting money cleaning out your community swimming pool that no one cares about and barely uses?

Instead of pushing your amenities just for the sake of amenities, focus on well-being instead.

When residents view your community as a lifestyle focused around their well-being, they’re less likely to see it as a place to sleep until their lease runs out.

Here’s a look at how to transform your property into a wellness-focused community that motivates people to sign their lease and stay for the long-haul.

well-being multifamily community


Make Sure Well-Being Aligns with Your Multifamily Brand

Before you dig into well-being as a marketing strategy, ask yourself:

Does it actually align with my community’s brand and target renter persona? 🤔

  1. Maybe your brand is focused on being small and intimate that’s big on one-on-one attention but lacks space for amenities.
  2. Maybe your community caters to the post-college grad looking for smaller apartments with super affordable rents.
  3. Maybe your multifamily business focuses on busy career professionals who just want convenience and a few one-off concierge services.

Well-being may be trending, but if it doesn’t fit into your brand, don’t do it. 📣📣📣

Otherwise, you’ll end up with a mismatch between leads and what your community and its overall vibe actually offers.

Build a Foundation for Well-Being

Creating a community focused around well-being isn’t about offering singular, generic amenities.

Sure, a swimming pool can offer wellness benefits, but on its own?

It's just a pool. 🤷

Same thing with a fitness center.

It’s just a room with elliptical weights.

Instead of impersonal amenities, focus on building a foundation for well-being with:

👉 Quiet swim hours with complimentary towels

👉 Fitness classes, including yoga and Tai Chi

👉 Greenspace designed with areas for meditating and reading

The goal is to give your amenities more context and make sure they're well-executed.

Tip 💡: If you say your pool is part of your community’s well-being initiative, make sure you can deliver on those promises.

Otherwise, your residents will just think it’s all smoke and mirrors.

Get Innovative

You can always build on the amenities you already have to start building out your well-being initiatives.

For example, your lobby or lounge is a perfectly good place to start hosting events.

But in an ideal world, you want to sprinkle in innovative ideas that potential residents can’t find anywhere else.

Try offering:

✅ Green rooftop lounges with a communal, edible garden

✅ Cold plunges

✅ Self-help workshops and speaker events

✅ Healthy cooking classes

✅ Bike rental service

It only takes a few unique amenities to intrigue a new lead and entice a conversion to a signed lease.

Tip 💡: Figure out what’s working by mobilizing your leasing agents to query leads about what brought them to your community in the first place.

You may find that leads don’t really care about the edible garden but just want access to bikes on-demand and the flexibility to explore the neighborhood.

See What’s Trending

It doesn't take long to dig into a few online searches and see what your competitors are doing to figure out what kind of wellness initiatives people want.

Your competitors' online reviews are also a goldmine.

Look at what your direct competitors' reviews say, but also scour those luxury communities down to the basic budget properties.

What do residents say about your competing communities?

The communication?

The condition of the property?

Don't discount things that don’t look like an amenity but just offer value.

You may see online reviews praising the ability to pay rent online more than the fact there’s a community pool.

Tip 💡: Sometimes well-being is about convenience and peace of mind, not whether or not the fitness center is open at midnight.

Give Residents Their Time Back

It’s probably no surprise that Americans are among the most stressed people out in the world.

Studies show 55% of Americans are stressed during the day, which is about 20% higher than the global average.

Busyness is always going to be a problem, but it’s also how your multifamily business can stand out.

Develop a culture of well-being in your community by giving residents back the time they desperately need with:

👉 Concierge services

👉 Dry cleaning pick-up and delivery

👉 Errand-running services

👉 Community liaison for maintenance requests, resident communication, and coordinating contractors for repairs

Remember, a front desk person that accepts packages is not the same thing as a community concierge point-person.

Your concierge should be hyper-focused on alleviating residents' stres by taking tasks off their plate and making things easier, not simply opening the door.

Gather Feedback from Your Current Residents

There’s no need to spend hours in meetings brainstorming well-being trends and guessing what residents want.

Ask them directly.

Poll residents on which well-being amenities they value the most and offer examples.

If you're using a Google form or software, keep the questions open-ended and ask for specifics.

Someone’s idea of a spa room may be very different from what you have in mind or are capable of accommodating.

Once you see some common trends in what your residents really want, you can roll out a few at a time and test the results.

Tip 💡: The goal isn't to provide every well-being initiative you can possibly think of. It’s to offer the one that is highly valued and most utilized by your current residents to motivate them to re-sign their lease.

Include Well-Being in Your Multifamily Marketing

Building a foundation for well-being in your community doesn't have to be complicated or expensive, but it does take time.

So why build it just to add a blurb about it on your website?

Your entire marketing strategy should include your community’s focus on well-being.
well-being multifamily marketing assets


Community blog?

Talk about your amenities focused on well-being.

PPC ads?


Google Business Profile?


If you want your community to be known for all things well-being, then make sure it’s completely obvious to everyone who stumbles across your online presence.

Truth 💣: Otherwise, you're just a community with a handful of decent amenities, just like your competitors.