May 16, 2024

How the Heck Can Multifamily Communities Target the Right Employers?

Eden Chai

Finding the right residents is about knowing your residents.

What if you could turn insights about where they work into a strategy to attract more?

Targeting key local employers can fill your units with residents who appreciate the easy commute and a community tailored just for them.

Let's explore how you can identify and connect with these employers to improve their leasing experience.

1. Use Rent Roll to Identify Key Employers

Start with what you know.

Your rent roll isn't just a list of payments; it's a gold mine of information about where your residents work.

Dive into this data to pinpoint the top three employers in your community.

Understanding these connections can help you focus your marketing efforts where they're most likely to pay off—making your community the go-to choice for employees of these companies.

2. Reach Out to Top Employers in Your Area

Now that you've identified the major employers for your residents, it's time to engage directly.

Start by calling or crafting a tailored email to their HR team introducing your community and its benefits.

Shine light on features that appeal to their staff, like location, amenities, or security.

Propose a meet-and-greet or a virtual presentation to discuss potential partnerships.

These could include exclusive employee rent specials, designated workspaces, or co-hosted community events.

3. Geofence Employer Office Locations

Geofencing lets you serve target ads specifically to potential residents based on their location—right down to their office building.

Set up a geofence around key employers you’ve identified to send ads about your community when employees are most likely to be thinking about their commute.

This way, your community will stand out exactly where and when it matters most.

4. Leverage Social Media for Targeted Ads

As mentioned, use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to serve ads to employees from top local businesses.

You’ll want your content on unique community features and timely offers.

Meta targeting can be difficult, but it’s worth exploring a brand awareness strategy around people who have liked the pages of employers in your area.

To track ad performance, utilize platform data to measure the following:



👉Engagement rates

👉Click-through rates


Adjust your strategy based on these insights to maximize results.

5. Offer Customized Move-In Packages for Employers

Imagine working at a company that partners with your living community to better your life outside the office.

Customizing move-in packages for targeted employers can provide that exact kind of experience.

You can callout perks like instant Wi-Fi access or discounted commute benefits to get their attention.

Highlight these specials in marketing campaigns to show potential residents you understand their lifestyles and want to cater to them.

Don’t underestimate the value of an offer tailored to your local employer.

6. Implement Flexible Lease Terms

As work dynamics evolve, so do housing needs.

StreetEasy reports a 70% increase in short-term lease listings and a more than 40% rise in furnished rentals, highlighting a shift towards more adaptable living options.

Provide flexible leases like month-to-month agreements to appeal to employees who may require short-term accommodations due to temporary assignments or contract work.

7. Develop Employer-Specific Open Houses

Hosting open houses designed for your resident’s top employees can dramatically increase your visibility and appeal.

Collaborate with these companies’ HR teams to organize events that align with their schedules and interests.

Be sure to showcase your community’s unique features and amenities you offer.

Each step you take towards targeting the right employers helps craft a more connected community where everyone benefits.

Start these strategies today and watch as your community becomes a preferred choice for local employees.

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