November 14, 2022

Google is Adding Business Names and Logos to Search Ads: Here's What to Know

Eden Chai

Whether you're an old pro at Google advertising or new to the platform, there's a brand new feature to look out for.

When you previously bought Google ad space, your results usually displayed an advertising label along with a landing page URL and ad title text.

The new roll-out sheds the old label and you'll now see your website's name and logo in a format that’s way more visible.

It may seem like a straightforward change, but it could have a big impact on the value of a Google impression - making your brand more memorable.

Here's what to know and how to find out if you're eligible for the new ads.

Why the Change?

The addition of logos and business names makes it easier than ever for prospects to identify your ads. The new change maximizes the difference between organic search and consumer ads, which some businesses may find frustrating.

So why make changes to Google ads if things were working before?

Google faced backlash and criticism for making ads look seamless and integrate a little too easily into organic search. Take a look at how the old ads looked:

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It wasn’t always easy to tell if a company bought the right to display at the top page of Google or if the results were organic.

Some consumers may not care if it's an ad or not, but others want an unbiased opinion and see more comprehensive results in their online search.

Tip💡: Consumers, or residents, want clear information that doesn't feel manipulative. Make sure your content aligns.

Truth 💣: In theory, a search engine's job is to enhance people's search experience, not make money off of people's inability to distinguish ads from organic, natural search.

Why New Search Ads are Better for Multifamily

Some brands may find it challenging to gain traction by removing the advertising label.

But for multifamily properties, the change could actually help. Your name and logo are now highly visible and stand out quickly.

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For example, when someone searches for "Phoenix apartments" and instantly recognizes your brand, there's more reason to click.

The logos make it apparent which business shows up in results. Instead of clicking on anything to do with apartments, those clicks are now more intentional and are deliberately seeking out your community.

This change makes Google Ads less transactional, and will help strong brands win.

Tip💡: Embrace the Google ad change as an opportunity to raise brand awareness. Make sure your logos are up to date on your landing page, social media channels, and marketing materials.

Truth 💣: When your branding stand outs, you attract more clicks.

Are You Eligible?

Not all businesses will see the change in names and logos and may still notice an advertising label on their ads.

The new Google search ads are still in beta, and businesses must qualify to meet the right criteria:

  • Your Google ads account has been open for more than 90 days
  • Your account is in good standing and has a history of compliance with Google ad policy
  • Your account completed Google's Advertiser Verification Program
  • You already have active campaigns
  • Your ad account has active text ads that already accrue spend on search campaigns for at least 28 days
  • You’re not advertising in a sensitive vertical or sub-vertical

Multifamily businesses are in the clear in terms of sensitive verticals. Google ads don't allow for accounts promoting alcohol, gambling, or healthcare.

Tip💡: Beyond your Google ads account being eligible, and up to date, your landing page should also be optimized and ready for traffic.

Truth 💣: Nothing replaces a good ad strategy, including negative keywords, long tail keywords, and diversifying to areas like Google Map ads.

How it Works

If you meet all the criteria, you don't need to send your logo to Google or upload it. Instead, Google crawls your landing pages to locate and upload your information.

You'll still have the opportunity to look at the data they collected and delete anything you don't want to include. Or you can manually add a company name and logo yourself.

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If Google can't find your log or other information, it will automatically display a generic blue globe icon.

Beyond your logos and business name, you'll also see the word "Sponsored" on the top-left corner of your advertising.

The Google ad changes are currently available in English, Japanese, French, and German, with other languages to roll out in 2023.

Company names and logos are already available on mobile, but desktop ads will follow next year.

Tip💡: Remember to focus on the fundamentals of running a great Google ad, which includes negative keywords and adjusting for geotargeting.

Truth 💣: Google may make changes, but one thing remains constant–your business needs to reach highly targeted residents and stand out.

Add This to the List of Benefits of Centralization

We know - you’ve heard “centralization” 100 times in the last week, but hear us out.

Google adding brand names and logos to search ads has a MASSIVE compounding effect for multifamily brands with a centralized leasing model.

Consider Bell Partners Inc recognizable “Bell” brand. Their logo is the same for every community, meaning every community that advertises on Google search, is helping the entire brand flourish and become more memorable.