November 8, 2023

4 Reasons You Should Add Your Community Pricing to All Search Ads

Eden Chai

Is your marketing funnel stuffed with lackluster leads?

Poor conversions?

Wasted ad spend?

When you’re paying for every click in search ads, you don’t want to waste resources on residents that will never convert.

Instead, you may be overlooking a simple strategy that gets right to the point and pre-qualified leads to avoid wasting valuable resources: Include pricing in your ads.

If you’re running ads to your lead captures and funnels and having trouble with conversions, it may not be the:

✅ Marketing copy

✅ Images

✅ Landing page

What prospective residents really want is transparency from multifamily ads.

Get right to the point.

Tip 💡: Don’t be vague with information about your rents in hopes that they’ll opt into a complicated funnel so you can woo them and nurture them into your community.

They’re almost definitely not your target market.

Here’s a look at what happens when you add pricing and why it could transform your marketing strategy for the better.


1) Earn Higher Conversion Rates

Search ads don’t need to be so complicated.

There’s not a magic formula or some secret to follow.

Here’s the real answer: Upfront pricing drives more transparency and builds trust with your market.

We’ve seen it in action at Flair–and it works.

With our real-time pricing approach, users only click if your pricing is within their budget.

Flair also elminates the need to manually update your pricing so you can get more time back in your day while optimizing your budget.

The results?

We see conversion rates doubling using this upfront pricing method.

It makes sense.

Truth 💣: When potential residents are ready to move to a new community, they’re not waiting around to test drive a bunch of different places and spend weeks or months poring over research.

They need a new place to live right away.

Sure, you may end up snagging some leads that are looking a few months out, but moving into a new community usually has a sense of urgency around it.

Give potential residents what they need to make a decision right away  when they see your community's ad.

Tip 💡: Including pricing helps eliminate their questions and objections.

When your leads already know what their future rent will look like in your community, they can make an informed decision about whether or not your community is worth putting on their short list.

2) Improved Lead Quality

If your community is too expensive for a potential resident, they’re unlikely to click on your ad to take the next steps.

They’ll decide in real time whether or not your rents are too high, sail past your ad and look for something else.

Lead quality is a win for your marketing funnel, even if your conversion rate is unchanged.

After all, who needs a large volume of unmotivated leads?

It’s just more work without any reward.

Adding pricing to your ads should also result in better lead-to-lease ratios from the same traffic.


3) Less Ad Spend on Tire Kickers

It’s no surprise that the number one thing people look for in a community is the price.

When you hide prospective residents’ number one priority from your ads, you lose quality leads and end up with the wrong target market in your funnel.

If you’re not a low-budget community renting to low-budget residents, then why would you want to risk attracting a low-budget target market?

Including pricing on community ads means less wasted time on tire kickers.

Skip pricing in ads and you get tons of clicks from low-budget prospects who will never rent from you.

Your lead quantity may look great, but the lead quality is rock bottom.

4) Reduce Vacancy Rates

When you get good lead quality in your marketing funnel, it makes sense that you end up with more conversions.

But the bigger picture is that you also end up with lower overall vacancy rates.

Beyond just filling more units in the short term, you’re also more likely to keep those units filled in the long-term.

When your lead quality soars, you’re more likely to attract a higher caliber of residents who resign their leases.

The lower the vacancy rate, the more likely your community will develop a reputation for being sought-after in your market.

The overall trickle-down effect could also mean a leaner marketing budget where your lead quality and reputation make it easy to turn over empty units, even without running ads.

The goal is to get right to the point and avoid making prospective residents guess about your community pricing.

If they're not your ideal resident, then it’s in everyone’s best interest if you figure it out right away.

You’ll save yourself time, money, and aggravations in the long run by focusing on high-quality, valuable leads that are more likely to convert.